
Contribute to the study of the anomalous!

Anomalistics is a relatively new area of science, dedicated to the study of the unknown, the unexplainable, and the anomalous.
It ranges from ghosts and spirits, to strange religious relics, magical artifacts, and more.

- Dr. Amanda Hampton, Sr. Public Relations Officer

Due to the lack of abundant personnel, we must call upon YOU, the reader.
If you are a student, in the field of theoretical physics, astrophysics, metaphysics, psychology, or medicine, we desperately ask you to participate in our organization.
Your knowledge and skill would contribute incredibly to this field, and your involvement in this growing study is important!

- Dr. Ethan Gauge, Sr. Recruitment Officer


Welcome to the Foundation for Understanding the Anomalous, a fictional writing site akin to the SCP Foundation. This is not meant to antagonize or even oppose the SCP Wiki, in fact I (we?) hope to learn more of how to write with people who are also interested in writing in this style, with the goal of eventually contributing to the SCP Wiki.

I (KaliDitzy) am an amateur writer, and I'm sure many others who may contribute to this are as well, seeking to learn in a safe-space (though… not free of constructive criticism!) for toying around with narrative world-building. This site is basically cold-post haven, so post away if you have some ideas you'd like to share, and we can work on them together to form a symbiotic gain.

The FUA does not want to encourage avoiding criticism, quite the contrary in fact. This is simply a place in order to write without the fear of humiliation, which plagues new aspiring writers for the SCP Foundation. Take the FUA as a guiding wiki on the road to becoming a better writer. For the record, we also won't accept troll/dead pages (ones with little to no content or substance).

Proceeding the goals set before you, we ask YOU to join the site, and contribute some of your work, or perhaps act as a guide/mentor for those less experienced than you. If you are more experienced than I am (and I'm sure many of you will be), and you have a problem with any of the goals or ideas mentioned here, please do message me, as I am always seeking to learn more.

Information Center

News for April

Working on other projects, sorry for the inactivity.

Featured Works

Controlled Memetic #6 - Total Recall

Highest Rated Works

Total Recall (Rating: 4)

Lowest Rated Works

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